Wine chemistry is a complex subject. There are so many things to measure, balance, and think about that it’s hard to know when to do what and decide what’s really important. To help us navigate this complex subject Holly Wells and John Garlich of BookCliff Vineyards have come on the show to walk us though the entire wine making process… from a chemistry perspective.
We start with the grapes on the vine and discuss when to harvest and how to tell if the time is right. From there we cover each and every step along the way up to bottling your wine.
Even if you are primarily a kit winemaker you’ll learn a lot from this interview. John was a home winemaker before he started BookCliff Vineyards and he shares a lot of tips that will help winemakers of any scale.
To learn more about BookCliff Vineyards please visit: http://bookcliffvineyards.com/
Also, the BookCliff Vineyards’ Facebook page can be found here and here is a link to their Twitter profile.
what a great resource Matt. Thank You for sharing this. I am a wine hobbyist and looking to up my game and this is great resource to get awesome tips from the Subject Matter Experts.
Thank you Major Liguori! I hope that you find that the site helps you in your wine making journey. If there’s anything you have questions on or topics you’d like more information about please let me know and I’ll make it happen for you.