How to Make Wine From a Kit

Making wine from a kit is a fantastic place way to get into making wine. It is by far the easiest and most affordable way to get your feet wet.

One advantage of starting with a wine kit is their simplicity. The grapes have already been harvested, crushed, and their chemistry balanced before you get them. This way you only have to concern yourself with turning the grape juice into wine.

With a few kits under your belt, then you can think about moving on to making wine from fresh or frozen grapes (not Welches, frozen must).

I’ve created a video series that will walk you through exactly how to make wine from a kit. So let’s get into it!

Part I: Getting Started

Part II: Checking the Specific Gravity and Racking

Part III: Degassing and Clarifying Your Wine

Part IV: Bottling Your Wine

If you’ve made it this far you must really be ready to make your own wine! Head over to the winemaking equipment page where I’ll show you what you need to get started and where to get it from.