The Great Riesling Yeast Experiment (Part I)

Racking the Riesling from the primary to secondary fermenter.Yeast can have a profound affect on the final flavor and aroma profiles of a wine or so we’re told. But how much of a difference is there really from one yeast to another? To answer this question I set up the Great Riesling Yeast Experiment.

In this experiment I set out to ferment one Riesling kit in two, three gallon batches with two different yeast strains. Continue reading “The Great Riesling Yeast Experiment (Part I)”

The Epic Rise and Tragic Fall of a Yeast Empire

Yeast is the secret to making wine. Without it alcoholic fermentation wouldn't be possible.
Yeasts Conquering the land of Pinot Noir

The unfermented must is a vast and plentiful breeding ground for yeast. Food in the form of dissolved oxygen and sugar abounds. For the right strain of yeast this is the perfect place to establish a thriving empire.

The winemaker sets the yeast in motion. They hydrates the yeast, preparing them to conquer this new-found domain. Once the yeast is awakened they are transplanted to this new land. Continue reading “The Epic Rise and Tragic Fall of a Yeast Empire”