3 Keys to a Creating a Useful Winemaking Log

Keeping a winemaking log is critically important to your growth as a winemaker. However, if you’re not logging useful information it won’t do you much good.

Short and Long Term Benefits of Keeping a Winemaking Log

A winemaking log doesn't have to be fancy. Just use something to record all your winemaking activitiesIn the short-term a well-kept winemaking log can help you keep the timing of each step straight. It also serves as a double-check of how much of what additives you’ve put in and when you did it.

The long-term benefits, however, can be much more valuable. Continue reading “3 Keys to a Creating a Useful Winemaking Log”

How to Evaluate Your Wine

Learning to evaluate your wine is critical to becoming a great winemaker.Being able to evaluate your wine objectively is vitally important to successful winemakers. You should know how to discern whether your wine is of good quality or not. Whether you like your wine or not is much less important.

It’s possible to make a high quality wine that you just don’t like personally. I for one am not a fan of Sauvignon Blanc, regardless of how well made it is. But as I wine maker you and I both should be able to tell if it’s well made. Continue reading “How to Evaluate Your Wine”

Where to Set Up Your Wine Making Operation

Making wine takes not only time but also space. The right kind of space.

Finding The Best Wine Making Area

With all the sanitizing, racking, and testing you’ll be doing it’s easy to see how wine making can get messy. Without the proper area you’ll definitely be leaving your mark. Let’s look at what sort of area will work best for your wine making operation.

The most important factors are: Continue reading “Where to Set Up Your Wine Making Operation”

The Anatomy of a Grape

Knowing and understanding grapes is absolutely essential to making good wine. After all these little berries are what it all starts with right?

By their very nature grapes are the perfect winemaking fruit. No other fruit contains the perfect amounts of sugar, acidity, and phenolic compounds to create such an amazing beverage. Any other fruit requires additional sugar or other ingredients to even produce alcohol.

Let’s get to know our little friend a little bit better. Shall we? Continue reading “The Anatomy of a Grape”