Submit a Recipe

Do you have a wine making recipe that you would like to share with other wine makers? If so, we’d like to see it. Winemaker’s Academy has three guidelines that you must follow for submitting a recipe to this site:Wine recipe page.

1. The recipe you submit must be your own. The ingredients may be similar to other recipes but the steps and methods must be written in your own words.

2. You must have made this wine before. As a community we want to see recipes that are tried and true before committing time and resources to making them.

3. You agree to having your recipe published under the Creative Commons license. This means that anyone anywhere may do whatever they like with the posted recipe. This recipe will be a gift from you and I to the greater wine making community. No strings attached.

For more information on the Creative Commons license used for our recipes please read this.

Photography by: fishermansdaughter