Natural Cork Closures for Wine

Natural cork wine have been used to seal and protect wine for the past three hundred years or so. Prior to that more crude methods were employed.

Today we are seeing a thriving synthetic closure market crop up and the debate between whether to use natural or synthetic closures is thriving. This article is the first in a series that will cover each of the different closure types available and what their benefits and drawbacks are.Cork Oak Tree Cross-Section

Where Does Cork Come From?

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Cork Closures and Oxygenation

Natural cork closures have been around for hundreds of years. At first they were merely a more convenient way to seal a bottle of wine. Over time, however, we have come to understand that corks offer an incredible benefit over synthetic closures: micro-oxygenation.

That’s right, natural corks allow your wine to get oxidized. While this may seem scary at first it is actually very good for wine in very small doses spread out over very long periods of time. Continue reading “Cork Closures and Oxygenation”

Bottling Wine

Bottling is the final step in the wine making process that requires any  effort on your part. After this time takes care of the rest.

The major considerations when bottling are what kind of bottle to use, type of closure, and to add gas or not


The type of bottle you use is completely up to you. A bottle’s shape does not impact the taste or life of your wine in any way. Continue reading “Bottling Wine”